Starting A New Unity Game Project!

So today I’m starting the second project of my GameDevHQ course, known as The Great Fleece (I’ll probably change the name later). It’s a 3D stealth thief game!

Vincent Taylor
1 min readSep 17, 2021

Today marks the first day I’m working on the second project of my GameDevHQ course, known as The Great Fleece (I’ll probably change the name later. I want to add my own spin to it). It’s a 3D stealth game whic has the player infiltrating a high-class auction house to steal valuable jewellery, while avoiding guards and cameras!

This project is designed with a focus on cinematography and environment, so expect some nice camera work, voiceovers, cutscenes, and level objects/environments.

I’ll be writing a lot of medium posts about what I’m doing during development, and what new things I’m learning, so look forward to that in upcoming posts.

I also haven’t stopped my recent Unity attribute developments either, so you can expect a few more of them in coming posts too.



Vincent Taylor

Unity game developer / C# Programmer / Gamer. Australian (Tasmanian) indie games developer for 10+ years. Currently looking for games industry employment.