New Year, New Game Project!
Today, I’ve started work on a new Unity game project, currently unnamed. It’s a 2.5D physics platformer!
Today’s Objective: Give you a quick look into what I am planning to make in my new project!
The Idea:
The concept behind this project is to make a short 2.5D platformer where a 3D character can run, jump, and climb over platforms to pass challenges and reach the objective/end of the level.
The reason behind this project is mostly that I want to get better at making physics systems and character controllers, so I am making everything from scratch.
This project is based on project guidelines from my current GameDevHQ course, but I intend to extend and build upon their project to make a project unique to me and my style/experience.
As with my other recent projects, I will be writing a good number of Mediums about the different things I develop and posting them here. Right now I obviously have no screenshots to post, but my next Mediums will better showcase the project in development.