Vincent TaylorCreating The Boss Fight! (Part 7: The Finale)I’m now working on the final phase of the fight where the Player fights the main body of the Boss. This part plays out a little differently.Aug 25, 2021Aug 25, 2021
Vincent TaylorCreating The Boss Fight! (Part 6: Attack Patterns!)After all the Boss behavior is implemented, now I’ll decide exactly what kind of attacks the Boss will throw at the player! [SPOILERS AHEAD]Aug 24, 2021Aug 24, 2021
Vincent TaylorCreating The Boss Fight! (Part 5: Animation)Today I’m adding some different behaviors which the Boss will do in each stage of the fight to keep things interesting and challenging.Aug 22, 2021Aug 22, 2021
Vincent TaylorCreating The Boss Fight! (Part 4: Health)It’s kind of problematic if the big Boss is unkillable, right? Let’s add health to all its parts, so their destructable.Aug 21, 2021Aug 21, 2021
Vincent TaylorCreating The Boss Fight! (Part 3: The Sentry’s Setup)Today I’ll be making the two Sentries spawn in the same way I made the Shield Generators spawn in yesterday’s post.Aug 20, 2021Aug 20, 2021
Vincent TaylorCreating The Boss Fight! (Part 2: The Shield Generator’s Setup & Movement)The five Shield Generators will need to be destroyed first. Until they’re all destroyed, they will fully protect the Boss from all attacks.Aug 19, 2021Aug 19, 2021
Vincent TaylorCreating A Boss Fight! (Part 1: The Plan)As the final major addition to my space shooter game, Galaxy Conquest, I will be adding a multi-stage boss fight at wave 10.Aug 18, 2021Aug 18, 2021
Vincent TaylorControlling Animations Through C# With The Unity AnimatorLearning to interact with Unity’s built-in animation system through your own code may be daunting, but it’s quite simple.Aug 17, 2021Aug 17, 2021
Vincent TaylorRAMMING SPEED! Creating An Aggressive Enemy ShipFor an “aggressive” enemy, let’s add a kamikaze ship that rams the player if you get too close!Aug 13, 2021Aug 13, 2021
Vincent TaylorAdding Shields To Enemy Ships!In the process of creating new enemy types, I‘ll allow some enemies to spawn with a shield which can block a single incoming attack.Aug 12, 2021Aug 12, 2021
InNerd For TechbyVincent TaylorMaking A Custom Bullet Hell-style Attack System (Part 2)Today I finished the Attack Template Library I imagined yesterday, to make creating and using Bullet Hell-style attacks much easier.Aug 11, 2021Aug 11, 2021
InNerd For TechbyVincent TaylorMaking A Custom Bullet Hell-style Attack System (Part 1)I want to upgrade the shooting mechanic, so I’ll be making Part 1 of a “Bullet Hell”-style system today. Check out Part 2 tomorrow!Aug 10, 2021Aug 10, 2021
InGeek CulturebyVincent TaylorWhat Are Scriptable Objects In Unity?Scriptable Objects allow the storing of data independent from GameObjects, MonoBehaviours, Scenes, and any sort of save file system.Aug 8, 2021Aug 8, 2021
Vincent TaylorMaking NPCs Follow The PlayerFor various reasons, today I’m working on a new prototype based on Crowd City. So I‘ll write about making the NPCs follow the Player.Aug 6, 2021Aug 6, 2021
Vincent TaylorImproving Enemy Movement! Part 2In a past post, I made the enemies move sideways using a sine function. As part of a new enemy type, I’m improving that code.Aug 5, 2021Aug 5, 2021
Vincent TaylorMaking A Enemy Wave Spawner!I’d like to make them come in groups, with a brief pause between these groups to recover. Let’s make a wave spawner system!Aug 4, 2021Aug 4, 2021
Vincent TaylorCreating A Homing Missile in 2DAnother weapon I’m adding to my game is the Homing Missile, which will seek out the closest enemy and destroy them. Let’s get started!Aug 3, 2021Aug 3, 2021
Vincent TaylorUnity UI: Changing The Width Of A RectTransformSo I wanted to add some more functional detail to my Ammo Bar UI, and decided to make the laser beams get smaller as you use ammo.Aug 1, 2021Aug 1, 2021
Vincent TaylorMaking The Enemy Shoot Backwards!Shooting normally is fine, but let’s make things more interesting by making the enemies shoot backwards if the Player is behind them.Jul 31, 2021Jul 31, 2021
Vincent TaylorPlayer Advantage? Enemies Destroy The Power-Ups! (Part 1)Would an enemy really let the player collect a powerup? No! They’d destroy it first!Jul 28, 2021Jul 28, 2021