High-Noon Shootout: Bullet Behaviour

In this post I am covering how the bullets behave, react, and manage the game state in my game.

Vincent Taylor
Apr 27, 2022
Yeah, no ragdoll. I know.

Today’s Objective: Show you how I manage the bullet behaviour and trigger the various on-hit effects in my 2.5D wild west shooter.

The Code:

The bullet movement speed and direction is determined by the gun controller, and passed on to each bullet when it spawns:

Update just updates and tracks the bullet lifetime:

The OnTriggerEnter unity event function handles the majority of behaviour for the bullet:

The OnTriggerExit is used just to destroy the bullet when it goes off screen, so that a player cannot shoot the enemy unless they can see them on screen.

It’s a pretty simple script…

But it handles probably the second-most important element of the game, without which, the game would not function.



Vincent Taylor

Unity game developer / C# Programmer / Gamer. Australian (Tasmanian) indie games developer for 10+ years. Currently looking for games industry employment.