A Convenient Unity Project Management Tool

Making larger projects in Unity often involves many changes over time, including version number, project name, Unity version, and sometimes even company name. Use this to automate some of the management of correct information.

Vincent Taylor
2 min readNov 2, 2021
Display proejct information from Unity inside your project UI

Sometimes while developing, you want your project UI to show the current version/name/developer of the project for users.

This is also usually the same as the information you set in the Unity project settings

But yet, they are still 2 separate pieces of information. Changing one does not change the other.

Wouldn’t it be better if the information was linked and always identical? Yes!

Linking Project Information:

The UnityEngine namespace has an extremely simple method to get the information you entered in the Project Settings (“Edit/Project Settings”) and use that information anywhere in project code.

Here are just a few of the pieces of project/application information that can easily be accessed through the “UnityEngine.Application”:

Just by writing this class, I can create the information management capability to allow for the project UI to always get the correct information from the project settings.

By adding the [ContextMenu] attribute, I can also add the refresh function to the menu when i right-click on the component.



Vincent Taylor

Unity game developer / C# Programmer / Gamer. Australian (Tasmanian) indie games developer for 10+ years. Currently looking for games industry employment.